Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Don't Be Silly Wrap Your Willy

Condom- A flexible sheath, usually made of thin rubber or latex, designed to cover the penis during sexual intercourse for contraceptive purposes or as a means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), or pregnancy. Without condoms however, teenagers stand a better chance of facing adolescent parenthood and fatal diseases. 2400 Philadelphia Public School students give birth to babies in the course of a year. According to the United States centers for disease control and prevention (CDD) an average of 40,000 to 80,000 new cases of HIV are reported each year in the United States and estimate of one half of these cases are among people younger than 25. Teens are having sex whether we like it or not. On top of that, these young men and women are carrying dangerous diseases such as HIV, AIDS, and HPV. “ I work with young boy and girls who have contracted AIDS,” says 26-year-old Megan Hannah. “ I always supply people with condoms I keep in my car, and hopefully prevent a day’s work”. Another issue everyone faces, is the amount of pregnant teens that are appearing in High schools. “Students are sometime too young for this responsibility and too small pocketed for abortions,” says Helen Jackson a mother of 8. Condoms however are not given out at Constitution High school, but under the school district of Philadelphia board policy number 123: Adolescent sexuality states: schools should provide in-school availability of condoms. So why don’t Constitution high school, which is under the school district, not provided condoms for their students?
“Our school has condoms, It’s nice to be able to get them there for free rather than paying like $5.00 for 3” says Damian Brown, a 17 year old JR. in North East High School, a school also under the School District of Philadelphia.
“It has never been brought to my attention,” says Gina Sedgwick, a 3-year counselor at Constitution High School. “I didn’t even know that other schools even provided condoms”.
Problem solved, Constitution High does not provide in- school availability of condoms because no one has ever mentioned it to any authority figure.

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